P.L.A.Y.@GYM is a gymnastics-based program for children and adults with special needs. In North America, there has been a documented rise in obesity in both children and adults. Those with particular needs are at an even higher risk due to their lack of participation in physical activity. The goal of the program is to promote participation in physical activity. P.L.A.Y.@GYM is a very unique program, in that it is designed and developed by a licensed and certified occupational therapist with an extensive knowledge of child development, motor coordination and an extensive knowledge and certification in the sport of gymnastics. It provides an opportunity for adults and children with various abilities and disabilities to participate and be physically active. The assessments and/or treatments are covered by most private insurance companies, and insurance receipts are provided for each assessment and/or treatment session.

The Goal
The goal is to help increase participation in physical activity for children with various abilities and disabilities. Through use of gymnastic principles and techniques, this program will increase participation in physical activity and help with gross motor skills development.
Common concerns regarding gross motor skills for children:
- Difficulties with throwing and catching a ball
- Difficulties with jumping
- Difficulties with walking
- Difficulties with running
- Difficulty with balance
- Difficulty with play skills
- Lack of coordination
- Difficulty participating in sports
- Difficulty acquiring new motor skills

Our Mission
The Mission of P.L.A.Y.@GYM is to provide an opportunity for children with diverse needs to participate in physical activity and help promote healthy living through a specialized gymnastics-based program.

The Plan
Through use of gymnastics equipment and techniques, coaches and OTs help children achieve their desire to participate and learn gross motor skills.
Classes are located at:
Wimgym Gymnastics Club
3256 Jean Yves St, Kirkland, Quebec H9J 2R6